November 2023

‘However fragile, some spirit of resistance and hope can always be found somewhere. Most Fridays, I walk down to support the nearby Second Chance Cafe in Stoke Newington, which offers free food and sociality to any who pop in.’

The Guardian, ‘This kind of communal living can make for better lives for all



July 2023

Adiaha Antigha Award:

For the individual or community that has supported people during the cost of living crisis and/or has campaigned against poverty.

Hackney CVS, ‘Celebrating the community sector



February 2023

‘A rack for coats that can be donated or taken, in the “Second Chance Cafe” at St. Mary’s Church in London. The cafe provides a warm space and cafe where users can make a donation to pay for their meals.’

New York Times, ‘In U.K. Cost-of-Living Crisis, Some Workers Struggle to Feed Children



November 2022

‘This place is a sanctuary. I’m up to my eyeballs in debt, I have no food and no money.’

Hackney Post / ‘Pay-what-you-can café facing more customers as cost-of-living crisis hits Stoke Newington